MP Board Class 12th General English Note Making and Summary Writing Examples

Ashok Nayak

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MP Board Class 12th General English Note Making and Summary Writing Examples

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MP Board Class 12th General English Note Making and Summary Writing Examples

इस खंड में आपको लगभग 200 शब्दों में एक अनदेखा मार्ग दिया जाएगा। आपको इन पैसेज पर नोट्स बनाने होंगे। यानी आपको इस पैसेज से महत्वपूर्ण पॉइंट्स निकालने होंगे, जिनकी मदद से आप पैसेज का सारांश या सटीक या एब्स्ट्रैक्शन बना सकते हैं।

Division Of Marks
Note Making – 05 Marks
Abstraction – 03 Marks

Note Making & Abstraction के फायदे

1. Focus of attention-When we read an article or a lesson, our mind and attention slip away and we lose the grip and interest in reading. Taking notes keeps your mind and attention fixed and busy. They do not loiter here and there. You achieve concentration which is very essential in learning.

It keeps our attention focused.

2. Improvement of Memory-Taking notes helps you in memorizing facts and figures, quotations, main points etc., which makes it easy to keep the whole article in mind. Writing makes an exact man.

It keeps our memory sharp.

3. Helps in Writing Summary or Precise-By rearranging the ideas from notes, you may prepare a gist or precise of the article.

It helps to write a summary.

4. Useful Quotations-The notes help us in quoting important things to support our speech or expressions.

Quotes support our statement or article.

5. Dictionary Consultation Habit–While taking notes you must consult the dictionary. This habit will increase your vocabulary and knowledge.

The useful habit of looking up a dictionary broadens our knowledge.

6. Art of Editing-We learn the art of editing which proves to be very useful in future.

The art of editing is learned.

7. Keep Books or Magazines Neat and CleanOur book or magazine remains clean of markings or underlining.

Books are kept neat and clean.

8. Helpful in Examination-While solving the question paper answers spring up in our mind.

We remember the answers in the exam.

9. Help in Composition—This bit helps us in composing an original article.

It helps in creating original works.

10. Improves Handwriting- Our handwriting improves because of practice.

Handwriting is beautiful.

Solved Examples

Read the following passages and answer the questions given as under:

1. Laughter yoga makes a clear distinction between happiness and joy. Happiness is a conditional response of the mind which is totally dependent on the fulfillment of certain desires of mind by its very nature, it is related to how ones life had been in the past or how it will be in the future. It is not there in the present moment. The ironical and sad fact is that even if some dreams, goals or aspirations fulfilled happiness disappears quite quickly as the mind starts chasing new goal posts a new job, a new house, a bigger car etc. On the other hand, joyfulness is the unconditional commitment to be happy each moment, to have fun for the moment despite the problems and challenges of life, no matter how insurmountable they seem to the mind. It is the promise that body makes to the mind to indulge in playfulness moment by moment and there by give relaxation to it. During these periods of playfulness triggered by the plethora of physical activities like dancing, singing, playing and laughing, psychological and biochemical changes take place within our body that gives us a sense of well being that completely alters a negative outlook towards life and its challenges replacing it with confident positive moment by moment. [2016]

Questions :
A. On the basis of reading the passage make notes on it and supply a title. [5]
B. Prepare the summary of the passage. [3]
Answers :
A. Notes:

  • Happiness is a conditional response of the mind.
  • It is totally dependent on the fulfillment of certain desires of mind.
  • If some dreams are fulfilled, happiness disappears quickly.
  • The mind, then, starts chasing new goals.
  • On the other hand, joyfulness is the unconditional commitment to be happy each moment.
  • This condition relaxes the mind.
  • Such a combination of body and mind replaces negative moment into positive one.

B. Summary: Happiness, a conditional response of the mind is totally dependent on the fulfillment of certain desires of the mind. Happiness disappears with the fulfillment of dreams. Then the mind begins to chase new goals. Contrary to it, joyfulness is the unconditional commitment to be happy each moment. This condition relaxes the mind, replacing the negative moments by positive ones.

2. Pollution is the fouling of the environment, land, water and air by waste, smoke, chemicals and other harmful substances. The most serious pollution occurs where there are large cities and many factories. As factories produce new goods for people to buy old ones are thrown out with household rubbish. Burning the refuse pollutes the air, dumping it in rivers and seas pollute the water and rubbish tips are unpleasant sights and take up much needed space. Getting rid of plastics is particularly difficult. Wood and paper decay after some time but plastics never decay.

The world’s oceans have been used as dustbins with millions of tonnes of rubbish being dumped into the sea every year harming marine life. If too much untreated sewage is poured into the seas, lakes and rivers from sewers, the water can no longer dilute it. All the oxygen in the water is used up and the fish die.

Smoke from factories, chimneys and exhausts, gases from motor vehicles pollute the air. Chemicals in the air combine with moisture to make acids which eat away stone and brick and so damage buildings. Carbon monoxide gas and other substances given out by the engines of cars and buses can damage people’s health. Ridding our world of pollution is an unimaginably big task. [2015]

Questions :
A. Make notes in points from the given passage, using abbreviations, where necessary with title. [5]
B. Write a summary of the above passage in about 60 words. [3]
Answers :
A. Notes:

  • Pollution is the fouling of the entire environment.
  • Burning the refuse pollutes the air.
  • It's dumping in the rivers pollutes water.
  • Oceans have been used as dustbins.
  • It harms marine life.
  • Smoke and gases pollute the air.
  • Getting rid of pollution is an extremely difficult task.

B. Summary: Waste, smoke, chemicals, and other harmful substances pollute the environment. Air is polluted by burning the refuse, rivers are polluted by its dumping into them. Plastic is also a major cause of concern as it is not destroyed oceans have been used as dustbins. They harm marine life. Smoke and other gases damage people’s health. Indeed it is a very difficult task to get rid of pollution.

3. ‘Where there’s a will, there’s a way’, is an old saying. He who resolves upon doing a thing, by that very resolution overcomes the obstacles to it. It is so in all the occupations of life—at school, at college or in the world. To determine to succeed is the surest way to success. Difficulties disappear before an unswerving resolution. This was well exemplified in the life of Napoleon. He threw his whole force of body and mind upon his work. He was told that the Alps stood in the way of his armies. ‘There shall be no Alps’, he said, and a road was made across them, over heights previously considered inaccessible. ‘Impossible’, said he, ‘is a word only to be found in the dictionary of fools’. And so it is; a determination not to give in is the surest condition of success in any undertaking. But the young student must carefully guard himself against the errors of mistaking a mere undisciplined energy and self-will for the needful firmness and self-command on which success depends. [2014]

A. Make notes in points, from the above passage, using abbreviations, where necessary. [5]
B. Write a summary of the above passage in about 50-60 words. Suggest a suitable title also for it. [3]
A. Notes:

  • Resolution for doing anything overcomes all obstacles.
  • Applicable everywhere.
  • Napoleon exhibited this. Made road across the Alps.
  • He said, ‘impossible’ is found in the dictionary of fools.
  • Determination—the surest condition of success.
  • Students must throw off undisciplined energy.
  • Should focus on the firmness of self-will and self-command.

B. Summary: A firm determination is a key to success. Resolution to do a thing overcomes all obstacles and makes the impossible—possible. This is why Napoleon succeeded in making roads even across the Alps. He said, “impossible is the word only to be found in the dictionary of fools.” Youngsters must focus on needful firmness and self-command and shake off undisciplined energy and self will to succeed in life.
Title: ‘Where there’s a will, there’s a way’.

4. At the end of the Second World War, Japan was defeated, her economy was in ruins. Until 1952, she was occupied by Allied troops, mostly American. For the first three years, the Americans aimed at making sure that Japan could never start a war, she was forbidden from having armed forces and was given a democratic Constitution. Americans did not at this stage seem concerned about restoring the Japanese economy.

Then, they felt a strong need for an ally in South-east Asia and began to encourage Japanese economic recovery. From 1950, industry developed rapidly and by 1953 production had reached a high level. American occupying forces were almost withdrawn in April, 1952. Japan’s rapid recovery was possible because Americans gave them vital help. Japanese goods were allowed into American markets on favorable terms and the U.S.A. supplied aid and equipment. An economically healthy Japan meant a buffer against communism in Southeast Asia.

The Korean war brought orders for military equipment and supplies and American firms began to co-operate with the Japanese on the development of new industries. The alliance with the U.S.A. protected Japan and she was able to invest money in industry instead of defense. [2013]

Questions :
A. From the above passage make notes in points, using abbreviations wherever necessary. [5]
B. Make a summary in 50 words of the above passage. Also, suggest a suitable title. [3]
Answers :
A. Notes :

  • Japan was defeated at the end of the Second World War.
  • The Allied troops, led by the Americans, did not care for the economy of Japan.
  • The Americans withdrew their forces later on realizing they needed a strong ally in that area.
  • Japan’s economy improved after American help.
  • The cooperation with America helped Japan and the country start investing money in the industry.

B. Summary: The end of the Second World War saw the defeat of Japan. The Americans who led the Allied troops ensured that the Japanese economy did not improve. As time passed, the Americans needed a friend in Southeast Asia. They withdrew their forces from Japan and started helping Japan. As a result, Japan’s economy improved. Later on, the Americans cooperated with Japan in the industrial area also.

5. The form of government, in which political power rests with the people is known as democracy. Abraham Lincoln, a former President of the United States, gave a brief and clear definition of this form of government. According to him, “Democracy is the government of the people, by the people and for the people,” According to Prof. Puntambekar, “Democracy is that government in which power of the state is exercised by the elected representatives of the people and they enjoy the support of the majority,” Similarly, on the basis of definitions given by Dicey and many other scholars it can be easily said that democracy as a form of government is a system in which people govern themselves either directly, or indirectly through their representatives, in the interest of the entire country. The government is not an end in itself but it is a means for the social good.

Many political scientists use the term ‘democracy’ not only as a form of government but also as a kind of state, Democracy as a kind of state implies such a state in which the supreme political power rests with the people. The people are the ultimate decision-makers in all political matters. In this respect democracy is considered to be a type of state. A democratic state allows people to freely set up their political institutions, If they do not function properly and effectively, they can be modified or replaced by the people.

There are scholars who would not like to limit democracy only to the form of government, kind of state and political aspects of the individual. They consider it to be a form of society which is based on social equality, liberty of the individual and fraternity, thus extending the scope of democracy to various aspects of the life of the individual. [2013]

Questions :
A. Read the above passage carefully, make notes on it and supply a title. [5]
B, Prepare an abstraction (summary! of the above passage. [3]
Answers :
A. Notes :

  • In a democracy, the political power lies with the people.
  • In it, people govern themselves directly or indirectly through their elected representatives.
  • Democracy is also defined as a kind of state in which supreme political power remains with the people.
  • Some scholars define it as a form of society based on social equality, liberty of the individual and fraternity.

Title: Meaning of Democracy.

B. Abstraction: Democracy is a form of government in which people govern themselves directly or indirectly through their elected representatives and the government works for the welfare of people.

Many political scientists believe that Democracy is a kind of state in which the supreme power remains in the hand of people who take the final decision in all matters. To some scholars it is a form of society based on social equality, individual freedom and brotherhood.

6. Life is not a bed of rosfes, but a bed of thorns. It is full of dangers and difficulties. In the race of life, we should not be afraid of the risk which is but natural. Success in any work in life goes to those persons who welcome risk. Science would not have made such wonderful achievements if our scientists had not risked their lives and comforts. The more difficult a work is, the harder should be our efforts to perform it. Life is not a smooth sailing. Petty difficulties frighten a weak heart, who is not prepared to take a risk. But brave hearts achieve fame and honour because they enjoy taking risks. In short, risk brings success and works miracles. [2017]

Questions :
A. Make notes in points from the given passage, using abbreviation, where necessary with title. [5]
B. Write a summary of the above passage in about 60 words. [3]
Answers :
A. Notes :

  • Life is not a bed of roses.
  • Life is full of dangers, difficulties and risks.
  • Success goes to people who take risk.
  • The more difficult a work, the harder be efforts.
  • Brave hearts achieve fame and honour.
  • Risk brings success and works miracles.

B. Summary:
Life is not easy. It is full of dangers, difficulties and risks. People who take risk and sacrifice comfort achieve success. A difficult work requires harder effort. Brave people achieve fame and honour. Risk brings success and works miracles.

7. At the end of the Second World War, Japan was defeated, her economy was in ruins. Unit 1952, she was occupied by Allied troops, mostly American for the first three years, the Americans aimed at making sure that Japan could never start a war; she was forbidden from having armed forces and was given a democratic constitution. Americans did not, at this stage, seem concerned about restoring the Japanese economy.

Then, they felt a strong need for an ally in South-East Asia and began to encourage Japanese economic recovery. From 1950, industry developed rapidly and by 1953 production had reached a high level. American occupying forces were almost withdrawn in April 1952.

Japan’s rapid recovery was possible because Americans gave them vital help. Japanese goods were allowed into American markets on favourable terms and the U.S.A. supplied aid and equipment. An economically healthy Japan meant a buffer against communism in South-East Asia.

The Korean war brought orders for military equipment and supplies and American firms began to co-operate with the Japanese in the development of new industries. The alliance with the U.S.A. protected Japan and she was able to invest money in industry instead of defence. [2018]

Questions :
A. Make notes in points, from the above passage, using abbreviations, where necessary and supply a suitable title also. [5]
B. Write a summary in 90 words of the above passage. [3]
Answers :
A. Title-Japan and its Economic Recovery.
Notes :

  • At the end of World War II Japan was defeated.
  • Until 1952 she was occupied by allied troops.
  • She was forbidden from having armed forces and given a democratic constitution.
  • Americans felt a need for an ally in South East Asia and began to encourage Japan’s economic recovery.
  • From 1950 industry developed and by 1953 production reached a high level.
  • American occupying forces were almost withdrawn in April 1952.
  • The U.S.A. supplied aid and equipment. Japanese goods were allowed in American markets.
  • It meant a buffer against communism in S.E. Asia.
  • The Korean war brought orders for military equipment. Alliance with U.S.A. protected Japan. She could invest money in industry instead of defence.

B. Summary :
Japan was defeated in the World War II. Her economy was ruined. She was occupied by Allied forces until 1952 and was forbidden from having armed forces. Then they felt the need for an ally in South East Asia and began to encourage Japan’s economic recovery. From 1950 industry developed rapidly. The American troops were withdrawn in April 1952. U.S.A. supplied aid and equipment. Japanese goods were allowed in American markets. It was a buffer against communism in South East Asia. The Korean war brought orders for military equipment. The American alliance protected Japan. She could invest money in industry instead of defence.

We think that the data given here clears all your questions of making and summary writing and assures you to attempt all the questions in the exam. So, practice as much as you can from MP Board Board Solutions for Class 12th English and score well. Need any information regarding this then ask us through comments and we will give the best possible answer soon.

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